Assignment Overview:

A simple .Net Core API project that provides you with a basic infrastructure of the following:

	1. API Controller with (yet to be implemented) RESTFUL API methods 
	2. A data service to execute CRUD operations on a json file
	3. Data model that represent the json file and a simple structure json file
	4. DataFile.json in the app folder
	5. Hooked up swagger interface to test the API calls 

Assignment Requirements:
	 In brief, the assignment requires you to implement the unimplemented methods and expend (if necessary) the implemented methods. 
	 * FileData.json, DataFileModel.cs and DataModel.cs
		1. Expend file and classes to support an additional data structure under the DataModel.cs. The data structure should be a dictionary of
		   key int and value list of strings. Please prepopulate the structure in the json file with basic data, I.e. 2 keys with each 
		   having a list of 4 strings
		2. Please note the id value in DataModel is a key and should be unique
		3. The program require data presistence. Therefore, any changes in the data structure should reflect in the file and hence 
		   when restarting the program it should still hold that previous data.
	 * FileController
		1. Use dependency injection to inject the file manager service class
		2. Implement the Get/Post/Put/Delete methods
		3. Add the ability to get a DataModel by its Id.

	 * FileManagerService
		1. Implement the methods inherited from the IFileManagerService interface (Please look at interface to understand the requirements of each method)
		2. You can expend/refactor if necessary, the GetData method
		3. You can change the method signatures but not their basic functionality requirements 

		Feel free to add any error handling or extra classes/service which you want think is needed! Please refrain from using third party nugut packages  
		other than the ones provided.

	 *** Bonus ***
		 Use the unit test project to preform additional (quality) unit testing

Please note, assignment is considered done when using swagger to execute all the API CRUD operations are working!

Please either send a zip file of your solution or preferably a link to a GitHub (or equivalent) repo with the solution