AppleSeeds Weekend Assigment 5 - Dice Game

This is a 2 Players (blackjack like) dice game.. Players pick a target score and each roll and hold untill one of them reaches the target score or passes it.

More specific rules and mechanics will be explained below.


Game Rules

In your turn - roll the dice [at least once] and accumulate the result in "Current".

You can roll again or click "Hold" to save the points from "Current" and end the turn.

Note! If you get 6-6 - you will lose all points from "Current" and the turn will go to your opponent.

If you managed to reach exactly the target score - you win! If you passed it - you lose.

Project Phases of development and Roadmap

  • Design , Draw images and borders

  • Implement basic HTML "Skeleton"

  • Basic styling with CSS

  • Tagging HTML Elements with classes and id's for DOM reference

  • Declaring and targeting all DOM elements from game engine's script.

  • Developing Game Engine step by step

    • Implementing Dice Rolling feature.
    • Implementing Holding score feature and passing the turn.
    • Implementing victory state function.
    • Adding AI To compete against.
    • Implementing new game function.
  • Refactoring and commenting code.

🛠 Resources Breakdown

Game Engine: JavaScript


ART: PixelArt Drawn by me.

Lessons Learned

  • Sharpened my DOM Manipulation abilities even more.

  • Improved my code structure and variable naming while trying to make the code as DRY as possible.

  • Used localStorage for the first time.


🚀 About Me

I'm a full stack development student.


Feel free to use the code and art as you wish and don't forget to Star ⭐ the repository.