
Pomodoro-esq Timer/Activity Organizer

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Unsequenced - v1.1.1 ⏲

A Pomodoro technique-inspired app for the iPhone.

Currently in Beta-testing.

Retooling for iOS 16

If you're interested in trying it out, you can download the app with this link via TestFlight. If you come across any problems or have any imporvements, feel free to open a new issue if you don't already see one.

This app looks to provide users with a way to organize time associated with tasks.
As creators, we are all prone to spending too much time on one facet of our work-day, while neglecting others. This app will allow you to set time limits and breaks for anything you wish to accomplish.



  • When adding Task Block ensure name is unique, and consists of valid characters (non-space).
  • For Task edits, check to see if a change has been made.
  • CTA for no Task Blocks.
  • Change task time to value less than completed. Right now, if we go from 30 min of 50 min complete, to a total of 20 min it will be 30 min of 20 min complete, which is impossible.
  • A way to reset a timer that is partially completed.
  • Swipe to delete for Tasks
  • Close swipe on Task Blocks if another action (edit/add Task Block) is initiated.
  • Convert Create New Task Block button to a plus (+) sign.
  • Notifications for completion
  • Logic for playing.
  • -Android- Grey screen on modal - need to fix.
  • -Android- Add/Edit task - buttons not showing on dark mode - flashing hidden content
  • Figure out testing for useFocusEffect.
  • Update total time on Task Block when automatic task breaks are added.

Screens UI Logic Sub-Screens UI Logic
Task Blocks Edit Task Block
Create New Task Block Edit Task Block > Confirm Delete
Now Playing Add Task
Settings: Light/Dark Mode Edit Task
Settings: Quiet Mode Delete Task
Settings: Show Notifications Duplicate Task
Settings: Allow Sounds Mark Task Complete
Settings: About Me Reset Time For Task
Swipe To Delete Task
Notifications - While App is Active
Notifications - While App is in Background
Automatically Add/Remove Task Breaks n/a
Component Complete
Color key for light/dark mode - font styling
Swipeable for Task Block
Swipeable/Draggable for Tasks
Round Buttons - Now Playing
Progress Bar - Now Playing
Progress Bar on Task Bars
Timer for Tasks
Async Storage
Loading Screen * - might have to revisit