
🎮 DeFi Wonderland Game - Solidity Development 🚀

Primary LanguageSolidity

DeFi Wonderland Challenge

Ooooh no! Robert, our lead developer, had an urgent flight and left us with an unfinished game.

Hey you, yes YOU, are you a developer?! Do you know some Solidity? Could you please help us finish this game?

This is the note he left us:

Hey guys, sorry but I had an urgent thing to attend to with some friends family. The game is almost there but I didn't have time to test or organize the code properly. I also didn't have time to read the logic twice to see if I missed something.

Oh, here's the status of the thingies we've discussed:

  • EGGs should be ERC20 tokens
  • EGGs should be indivisible
  • ANTs should be ERC721 tokens (NFTs)
  • Users can buy EGGs with ETH
  • EGGs should cost 0.01 ETH
  • An EGG can be used to create an ANT
  • An ANT can be sold for less ETH than the EGG price
  • Governance should be able to change the price of an egg
  • Finish the e2e tests

The following features we said they would be nice to have, but were not required, so i guess they're out of the equation for now...

  • Ants should be able to create/lay eggs once every 10 minutes
  • Ants should be able to randomly create multiple eggs at a time. The range of how many should be reasonable (0-20?)
  • Ants have a % chance of dying when creating eggs

I feel very proud of it, I can't wait to come back from Ibiza Mom's to play it!

Good news is that Robert implemented at least some of this before leaving:

ANT ERC721 https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x6988138e9aa5c0b7f0d9e54a103ca2fd8e293327#code
EGG ERC20 https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x934ee0261e7dc7102a72ddbe37b66ecd75d08f09#code#code


We would need your help in finishing what Robert started. We hardly think he's going to come back soon, so we should start thinking on hiring somebody to cover his place.

Please clone this repo and as soon as you have gone through the code and implemented the changes you thought were appropriate along with the features, create a pull request and send it to us.

If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us , we are here for that and we encourage it!

Just in case, Robert seemed a bit distracted when working on the game, it may be a good idea to take a close look at what he did. There are more than 20 audited issues in the code he's made, we would appreciate if you can spot them and deploy an improved version of it.

Best of lucks, and get ready to go fully anon and deep down the rabbit hole!

Extra points

Oh! And send us as much ANTs as you can to 0x7D4BF49D39374BdDeB2aa70511c2b772a0Bcf91e, we are building an army!

Running the repo

Here's a brief guide as to how run this repo.

First, you make sure you have foundry on your machine. Then clone the repo and run:

yarn install

That should install all we need. What we need now is an API key from an RPC provider, so create an account in https://www.alchemy.com/ and grab generate an API key. Then you should create a .env file and complete it using the .env.example file we provide as as a guide.

We highly discourage using accounts that may hold ETH in mainnet, to avoid any unnecessary errors. So even if you have an ETH account, we recommend creating a new one in https://vanity-eth.tk/ for having an badass name like: 0xBadA55ebb20DCf99F56988d2A087C4D2077fa62d. g If you don't hold ETH in Goerli, don't worry! People are very generous there, you can head to a faucet: https://goerlifaucet.com/ and just ask for some! Crazy huh?

After you have your .env all set up, you're ready to go.

Running the tests

yarn test

Deploying the contracts

To deploy and verify the contracts on Goerli, you can run:

yarn deploy:goerli

The verification of the contracts may take a couple of minutes, so be aware of that if it seems that your terminal got stuck.