
Mobile app where you can listen preview music from AppleMusic


  • Download the archive by clicking the Code
  • Open terminal and install pods (pod install)
  • Run xcworkspace project file

Core features

  • UKit + SwiftUI
  • Global music search
  • Play music in real time
  • The ability to add to the library and remove music from there
  • Mini track view

What using

  • Architecture - CleanSwift
  • Layout - Xib + NSLayoutAnchor
  • API -
  • Network - Alamofire
  • Storage - UserDefaults
  • Dataflow - Delegate
  • AVKit
  • SDWebImage
  • Animations
  • Gestures - tap and swipe
  • Screen Search (UIKit) - UITableView, UIStackView
  • Screen Library (SwiftUI) - List + ForEach, GeometryReader
