
Compete against groups of friends in fitness. Just like Apple's fitness competitions but support for multiple participants.

Primary LanguageSwift

Friendly Competitions

Compete against groups of friends in fitness. Just like Apple's fitness cometitions but support for multiple participants in a single competition.

sc1 sc2 sc3 sc3

Setup for contributors


Instal homebrew and run the following command:

brew bundle

This command will need to be re-run everytime Brewfile changes (almost never)


Access to a Firebase project is required. You can create one for youself in the firebase console. Follow the instructions to setup a project and download the GoogleService-Info.plist. You'll need to place it in one of the following directories, depending on the scheme that you plan to run:

  • Friendly Competitions/Firebase/Debug/
  • Friendly Competitions/Firebase/Release/

The app uses the following firebase services:

Manages user authentication. Users need to be signed in to access any & all features

  • Apple
  • Email

Stores all user & competition data

Sends notifications, computes competition scores, cleans up old data.

To deploy this project's functions, run the following commands:

cd firebase/functions
npm install
npm run-script deploy

Note: To deploy functions, this service requires the Blaze plan. You can also explore emulating functions instead of upgrading to the Blaze plan, or disable it's usage in the iOS client.

Stores images, nothing else for now