
Extracts a video's frame incrementally. Commonly used for Gimmick accs on Twitter

Primary LanguagePython


Extracts a video's frame incrementally. Commonly used for Gimmick accs on Twitter

Importing the module

## Works as a module, so you can call 
from {whatever_you_called_the_file} import VideoFrameUtil


self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.video_path) ## USE THIS ONE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING
self.current_frame = 0
self.frame_rate = self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
self.frame_total = self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)


Create a VideoReader Object

## Have to be set localy, so video file and output folder in the same directory as the script.
VideoReader = VideoFrameUtil("test.mp4", "output")

Convert time (in seconds) to frames

## Start and get the closest frame at 3.1 seconds
start = self.SecondsToFrame(3.1) 

Place reader to a certain frame

VideoReader.SetCurrentFrame(0) ## Place at the begining

Get Frames for a intervall of time

frames_1 = VideoReader.GetFramesForTime(1, 3)

Get All frames directly

frames_all = VideoReader.GetAllFrames()

Get all frames and do things in real time

while True:
    data = VideoReader.GetNextFrame()

    path = data[0]
    image = data[1]
    ## Do whatever you want, keep reference to the image and add it to the Media Array when tweeting for example.

Close the reader

## Its important to close the reader whenever you are done, to save memory and keep it clean.