
Chocolatey sources for pure GHC installs

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Chocolatey sources for pure GHC installs

This repository contains the sources for the GHC Chocolatey packages.

To use these get Chocolatey https://chocolatey.org/

and then just install the version of GHC you want.

cinst ghc

for the latest version

cinst ghc -pre 

for the latest pre-release version

cinst ghc -version 7.8.4 

for specific version, e.g. 7.8.4

The installer will automatically pick the right bitness for your OS, but if you would like to force it to get x86 on x86_64 you can:

cinst ghc -x86

The installer will also always install in C:\ghc if this is a problem create an issue and I will attempt to address it.

uninstalling can be done with

cuninst ghc

If more than one version of GHC is present then you will be presented with prompt on which version you would like to install.

 Note: You need to run `refreshenv` or restart your console before ghc is available.