Intro Programming Fundamentals
Jan 2017
  • Exams
  • 2.1 Data Types and Variables
  • 2.2 Data Types and Variables - Exercises
  • 3.1 Methods. Debugging and Troubleshooting Code
  • 3.2 Methods and Debugging - Exercises
  • 4.1 Arrays
  • 4.2 Arrays - Exercise
  • 5.1 Lists
  • 5.2 Lists - Exercise
  • 6.1 Dictionaries, Lambda and LINQ
  • 6.2 Dictionaries, Lambda and LINQ - Exercises
  • 7.1 Objects and Classes
  • 7.2 Objects and Classes - Exercises
  • 8.1 Files and Exceptions
  • 8.2 Files and Exceptions - Exercises
  • 9.1 Strings
  • 9.2 Strings, Regex - Exercises
  • 10.1 Regex
  • 10.2 Regex - Exercise
  • 11 Exam Preparation I
  • 12 Exam Preparation II
  • 13 Exam Preparation III
  • 14 Exam Preparation IV
  • 15 Practical Еxam 26-Feb Sunday 15:00-22:00 h