
Created with CodeSandbox

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Keeper App

Keeper App is a note-taking app developed with ReactJs.Keeper App is an app where we can store our daily thoughts, tasks, lists, etc. into a bunch of dynamically rendered small digital white notes. This app has been developed using ReactJS. Through this app I familiarized myself with the fundamentals of ReactJS like working with components, props, working with hooks, with different states, complex states and managing the component tree.

Developed By

Mitali Laroia



Live Demo

Keeper App
Code Sanbox Link

Developed using

  • Html
  • css
  • javascript
  • ReactJS


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Mitali-laroia/Keep.git

or download the zip file from github.

After extracting the files,

  • 1 .cd Keep
  • 2 .npm install
  • 3 .npm start


To collaborate, reach me on 04042001mitali@gmail.com

Further help