Mind Space


The aim is to spread awareness about PCOD/PCOS (not only to those who have access to internet but to everyone!)and help those who already are suffering from this disorder. Live demo here

Table of Contents

What solution we propose?

  • By making an application, a platform which not only describes what PCOD/PCOS is but also is a safe environment for those who are already experiencing it and need help in overcoming it. This app caters to the needs of one and all. One can learn and enhance their knowledge about the subject, can detect the level of the disorder being experienced, can connect with people who are willing to help and share similar stories, incidents and one can even seek medical help as well through a single portal called MIND SPACE! The reason behind calling the app, mind space is because this is lighter on the mind, makes you feel well aware and informed and helps you relax in situations where you feel like giving up and need some motivation, this feature is a major future aspect that we will be working on and will add some games, playlists, podcasts in the relax and play game option!
  • All in all this app is a great platform for anyone who wishes to help others as well as help oneself.
  • Apart from those who have internet access, this app also takes care of people residing in rural parts and not having internet or smart phones available by starting a phone calling IVR service which will provide all the necessary details and help that is available on the website.

Technologies Used

  • Node js
  • express
  • socket.io
  • flask
  • python
  • machine learning
  • canva
  • html
  • css
  • javascript


List the ready features here:

  • Comic(Graphic info) to ease down the process of learning what pcos id
  • Chat room to connect medical help,interact with fellow patients or to build a community for help and awareness
  • Ml model(Linear Regression) to predict whether you have pcos or not
  • Send SMS feature to connect those who don't have smart phones or internet access to spread awareness about pcos.


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  • Having node and flask on your system is must
  • git clone
  • npm install
  • node server
  • set FLASK_ENV=developemnt
  • set FLASK_APP=server
  • flask run

Project Status

Project is: in progress

Room for Improvement

Our future scopes weh wish to work on

Room for improvement:

  • Detailed research on ml models for better accuracy and least errors
  • More minimalizes UI

To do:

  • Admin panel for sms/call management
  • automated call feature
  • voice assisstant