CSE 542 - Software Engineering Concepts Project. Creating a software which is a complete tutoring system, for engineering students.
To run the executable jar file directly, simply double click on the SEC.jar file.
To run the executable jar file from command prompt: java -jar SEC.jar
NOTE: Please ensure that the questions folder containing all the questions is in the same location as the jar file before executing.
NOTE for Instructors:
- To add a new question, create a new folder inside the directory named "Questions" with question name containing the real world image, idealized model image and the question text file.
- Rename the real world image as model.png and idealized model as fbd.png.
- Follow the format of the questions.txt file inside the directory named "Questions/SomeIncorrect" for adding new questions, indicating max score allowed for the question, score for each correct assumption, score for each reason and score for each incorrect assumption that is selected.