
This project is a solution to the current shortage of beds and resources due to covid-19. We have created a website where people can see live real time availibility of beds also including the availability different types of bed like ICU, HDU , Isolation etc.The data can be filtered by pincode. The information about the beds is updated by the respective hospital itself. we made it a 2-click process so that hospital can update the tally in no time and also we made it super simple.

-We have also provide more details about covid-19 safety tips, frequently asked questions and some misconceptions and myths.

-We also added a feature where we connect people who are in urgent need of plasma to various blood banks and other organisations who can help them.

-There is also a feature where different people from locations and background can tell us about their experience which we believe might help people gain an insight how menacing and deadly the covid virus can be.

-The project is based on Java. We have used MySQL to manage the database and HTML,CSS, javascript and Bootstrap framework for the frontend of the project.

-We hope that this problem can really help people and the hospital management. Through this project we want to make sure people suffering from covid can reach the right hospital at the right time.

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