Creates a project and does the set up automatically

Primary LanguagePython

Project Creation Automation

  1. Creates empty directory according to the software
  2. Initializes a git repository
  3. Create a README file
  4. Create repository on GitHub
  5. Add the README and push to GitHub


  • Git

Python Customisations

software: py or python

  • Creates conda env for the project
  • Launches the project in Pycharm
  • Remove project option
  • Names with spaces to be adjusted
  • Set the conda env as the project's interpreter in PyCharm


  • Conda
  • Pycharm

React Customisations

software: react

  • Uses create-react-app to make project
  • Git push after create-react-app
  • Open in VSCode


  • Node
  • create-react-app
  • Visual Studio Code