
The purpleface programming language

Primary LanguageOCaml


The PurpleFace programming language

Proposed Features:

  1. Function Inference
  2. Boolean datatype and operations replaced with optional data type
  • true | false | maybe
  • every 'concrete' datatype is derived from true
  • the maybe keyword casts expressions to a maybe
  1. Lambdas cannot be bound to a variable
  • will result in a compiler error of "Nice Try"
  1. There is no 'let' for binding variables; only maybe
  • maybe 2? returns a value that is either 2 (and true) or not 2 (and therefore, maybe)
  • maybe a is 1 + (2?)? will bind a to a value that may or may not be the sum of 1 and a number that may or may not be 2, so the possible values are (1?), 3, maybe, and false
    • Note: 1 + maybe is maybe 1, which has the shorthand 1?
    • 1? resolves, of course, to 1 or maybe
  1. Optional values are all quantum-spooky. They do not resolve to concrete values until a concrete value is required.
  • The whole program is generally lazy evaluated.
  • At runtime, maybe bindings create multiple continuations.
  • Only continuations which result in valid result are retained.
  1. All expressions return a value.
  • expressions are terminated by punctuation
  1. The return value of a continuation is the last returned value inside of it.
  2. Imperitive statements end with a !
  3. 'Quantum' values and statements end with a ?
  4. Parameters to functions do not need to be surrounded in (), but still need to be separated by ,

Possible Example Code:

maybe a is 2?
a < 3? 
if true, print a!

Example Execution:

  1. a is allocated, and bound to a value which may be 2, maybe, or false
  • A new continuation is created for each.
  1. In each of the 3 continuations, evaluate a < 3, creating another new continuation for each possible result
  • All conditional expressions return an optional value, so a new continuation is created for all possible results:
    • true, or maybe in the a = 2 continuation
    • maybe in the a = maybe continuation
    • false, or maybe in the a = false continuation
  1. Only the "a < 3 is true" continuation will reach the print statement.
  • The only continuation of the print statement prints 2, since the only continuation which reaches the print statement is the one in which a < 3 is true, which in turn was spawned in the continuation in which a = 2, and if print is given a valid (true) argument it will return true.
  • actually, 2 is not printed yet; it is -buffered- to be printed. All side effects are buffered until their execution is guaranteed.
    • side effects are only possible via buffered streams, or by opening and closing of those streams
  1. The end of the program has been reached. The remaining continuations are the one that prints 2, and two which printed nothing, but in which a is either true or maybe.
  2. Since multiple continuation threads remain, they must be eliminated until only one remains.
  • The overall return value of each continuation is basically the last returned value.
  • maybe is not valid as a terminal return value, since it is not a definite resolution. Therefore that continuation is removed.
    • actually, this happened as soon as there were no remaining execution paths on that continuation, which happened after the if statement, not after the print statement
  • as a rule, false continuations are only selected if no true continuations remain. The false continuation was retained after when the maybe continuation was discarded, but now that all threads have completed, and a true continuation exists, the false continuation is removed.
  1. only the true continuation remains, so its buffers are flushed, actuating its side effects
  • in other words, the 2 is actually printed now.

Execution Steps:

  1. Trace execution paths
maybe a = 2?	     a
                   / | \
		  /  /  \ 
		 /  |    \
a < 3?		2   maybe -----false
               / \      \        |   \
if true,   true   maybe  maybe false  maybe
print a!     [queue 2(value of a) on output buffer]
  1. Prune ambiguous (maybe) results from the tree
  • pruning is recursive until no ambiguous ends remain
maybe a = 2?	  a
		 /  \
a < 3?		2  false
                |    |
if true,      true  false
print a! [2 (value of a) queued on output buffer]
  1. Successful (true) results exist, so remove failures (false results)
maybe a = 2     a
a < 3?		2
if true,      true
print a!     [2 (value of a) queued on output buffer]
  1. Collapse pure (non-effectful) nodes
print a!     [2 (value of a) queued on output buffer]
  1. Flush buffered effects

prints 2