
A simple bash script for rolling polyhedral dice.

Primary LanguageShell

A simple bash script for rolling RPG style polyhedral dice.
once installed to a suitable location in your shell's $PATH, 
you can simply type:
roll 3d6
and it will print the results of 3 six-sided die rolls, and give the total
last. if you only want the total (useful for scripting), just use the -q
option, eg: roll -q 5d4
If you want to drop a certain number of the lowest dice, pass -d, followed by the number of dice to drop. 
e.g.: roll 5d6 -d 2
this also works with the -q switch

rollhex: an even simpler script that rolls 2d6 $1 times, and converts 
      the result to hexadecimal
groll: a graphical frontend

TODO: fix groll. It looks nasty, and the ok button isn't default.
      also, maybe have a picker with some die icons, and a spinbox for 
      number of dice.