Lamington Boilerplate

A simple EOSIO with Lamington project boilerplate.

Lamington is an easy to use contract development toolset for EOSIO.

Easily compile, deploy and test smart contracts within containerized environments.


Please install all required dependencies before running the scripts for the first time.

npm install


We've pre-configured all the necessary scripts to get your Lamington development environment up and ready straight away.


Builds compile the contract wasm and abi files within Lamington's outDir. TypeScript definitions are then generated from the contract abi and saved alongside the C++ contract code.

npm run build

TypeScript definitions are used within Mocha test files to execute type safe actions and account data.


Lamington is ready to run your Mocha Typescript tests out of the box, so we've included an example.test.ts within the contracts/example directory to get you started.

npm run test

If we've done our part right, everything should pass, and your ready to start developing.


This example requires Docker and NodeJS to be installed.

Docker: We recommend installing Docker with the standard installer for your platform

NodeJS: We recommend installing NodeJS with NVM