
A light weight star ⭐️ rating UI component for iOS written in Swift

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Platforms Language License

⭐️ LiteStarView


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The view was designed for a recipe app. I needed a simple ratings view that was also setable by the user and would work in a collection view.

📑 Description

A light weight star rating UI component for iOS written in Swift.

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📐 Design

StarView is a minimalist design, with a few customizations.

Note: This view is not currently IBDesignable


  • Can be used to show ratings followed by number of ratings.
  • If isUserInteractionEnabled user can provied a rating by panning or tapping on stars, rating will be shown.
  • Gives haptic Feedback when user selects/deselect one full star
  • Round stars to the nears whole

Modifiers / Customization

Variables you can modifiy in the view inspectinable with type and default value.

  • starCount:Int = 5 : Number of stars in view
  • ratingCount:Int = 0 : Amount of ratings for item
  • rating:CGFloat = 0.0 : Rating for item
  • roundRating:Bool = false : Will use whole numbers in rating
  • fillColor:UIColor = UIColor.systemYellow : Star fill color
  • stokeColor :UIColor = UIColor.black : Star outline (strokeColor) color

🎲 Behavior

Updating the view

Stars are automaticity update when when the rating or ratingCount changes. Also calling starView.updateStar() will force a update. So make your changes before calling!

🏗 Installation


Git clone the repo and add LiteStarView framework to your exsiting xcode project.

Note: You might need build the framework.

How to add LiteStarView framework to a existing project.


Add the following in your Podfile.

'LiteStarView', '~> 1.0'

📋 Setup

1. Create StarView

Create and drop a UIView then set the class to StarView.


2. Set your constraints

There are many way to layout this view but a height constraint is needed for the stars to be drawn correctly. Take a look at the examples below

This is the formula to help calculate the width.

(height * amountOfStars) + (height * 2)






Note: Also need to set Center Horizontal in Safe Area to the parent.

Formula Example: (40 * 5) + (40 * 2) = 280

3. The view can be set up in one of two ways.

- Show rating (Non-interactive)


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- User provided rating (interactive)


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4. Using StarView

Once linked to your viewController. You can programmatically set/get rating and rating counter.

import UIKit
import LiteStarView
class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var starView: StarView!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // set rating and ratingCount programmable
        starView.rating = 3.5
        starView.ratingCount = 50
        // get current rating
        let currentRating = starView.rating