
📲 A simple, animated and customizable UI drawer component for iOS [Swift 5.0, iOS 12].

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Platforms Language CocoaPod License

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✍️ About This Repo

Side Drawer View is a fork from jvirus's draw-view. Shout out to jvirus for some awesome code!

This project is still in a work in progress and contribution is welcome.

🏗 Installation


Add this inside your Podfile

pod 'SideDrawerView','~> 1.0.0'


You can always copy-paste the sources method. Or you can compile the framework and include it with your project.

📺 Demo

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Drawing Drawing

🍱 Features

  • Easy to use
    • You only need to instantiate a class called SideDrawerView.
  • Flexible API
    • Includes a number of customizations and layout parameters that allows the SideDrawerView to have different characteristics.
  • Behavior
    • Flip height and width on orientation changes.
    • Ability to close on rotation.
    • Haptic feedback can be triggered on state change.
    • Top, leading and trailing safe areas can be used. Top safe area can be used separately from leading and trailing.
  • Callbacks
    • You can use built-in callbacks in order to integrate animations or get the state/orientation changes.
  • SubView
    • You can simply add your UI component within the drawer by passing your view into SideDrawerView.setContentView(view: UIView) this will set auto constraints for your view. Check out the demo some examples.

📚 Code Samples


The most simple instantiation: you only need to provide the superview:

let _ = SideDrawerView(superView: view)

Instantiation with all of the parameters; grouped into three for simplity :

let _ = SideDrawerView(drawerHandleWidth: 25,
                       drawerHeight: 50,
                       flipHeightWidthOnRotation: true,

                       useSafeAreaLayoutGuide: true,
                       useTopSafeArea: true,
                       setContentInSafeArea: true,

                       blurStyle: UIBlurEffect.Style.regular,
                       lineArrow: (20, 4, UIColor.systemBlue),
                       drawerBackgroundColor: .clear,

                       superView: view)


  • drawerHandleWidth

    The width of the touch area that controllers the view, also the width when the drawer is closed.

  • drawerHeight

    Height of the drawer. If flipHeightWidthOnRotation is true drawerHeight will become the width.

  • flipHeightWidthOnRotation

    Flips the height and width in landscape mode.


  • setDrawerHandleSafeArea

    Sets DrawerHandle open and close positions within the safe area.

  • useTopSafeArea

    Sets SideDrawer top constraint to superview top safe area.

  • setContentInSafeArea

    Sets contentView top, leading and trailing constraint to superview safe area.

Colors & Styles

  • blurStyle

    Style of drawer blur effect.

  • lineArrow

    Tuple styling the lineArrow. (height:CGFloat, width:CGFloat, color:UIColor)

  • drawerBackgroundColor

    Background color of the drawer.

Properties & Methods

You can change the behavior of the component when a device is rotated. By default the SideDrawerView will not be closed when a device is rotated. However, you can change this behavior:

drawerView.closeOnRotation = true

You can programmatically change the state of the component:

drawerView.change(state: .open, shouldAnimate: true)

There is an animation & orientation closure that is used to change external components alongside with the SideDrawerView:

drawerView.animationClosure = { state in
    switch state {
    case .open:
      someOtherView.alpha = 1.0
    case .closed:
      someOtherView.alpha = 0.0

drawerView.onOrientaitonChange = { orientaiton in
        switch orientaiton {
        case .portrait:
            stackView.axis = .horizontal
        case .portraitUpsideDown:
            stackView.axis = .horizontal
        case .landscapeLeft:
            stackView.axis = .vertical
        case .landscapeRight:
            stackView.axis = .vertical
        @unknown default:

You can optionally specify a completion closure that gets called when animation is completed:

drawerView.completionClosure = { state in
  switch state {
    case .open:
    case .closed:

The third and final callback closure can be used to get SideDrawerViewstate changes:

drawerView.onStateChangeClosure = { state in
  state == .closed ? showDialog() : doNothing()

Other settable properties

Also there are many other properties that be customized:

drawerView.cornerRadius = 60
drawerView.animationDuration = 2.5
drawerView.animationDampingRatio = 0.9
drawerView.shadowRadius = 0.25
drawerView.shadowOpacity = 0.132

👨‍💻 Author

Fork Author Mitchell Tucker

Orignal Author Astemir Eleev

🔖 Licence

The project is available under MIT licence