
Allow the discovery and detection of sybils through packaged algorithms built into "Legos".

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Anti-Sybil Dashboard

LEGO MAC Trueblocks License

Sybil Hunter

This project is part of the OpenData Community "DataBuilders" Hackathon 2023. Goal of this project is to package algorithms into 'legos' that can be used to evaluate an address based on sybil behavior. Additionally an macOS app extends the capabilities, by enabling a custom pipeline to be created from 'legos' and data sets. The pipeline processes and displays sybil information on a dashboard.


  • Python3 3.9.6

  • macOS v13.0

  • Xcode v14.2

Anti-Sybil Dashboard

Quick Start

Video Walk through / Quick Start

Note: One thing not mentioned is to download the python packages for legos.


It is also recommend to test each lego using the full executable path.


  /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/python3 /sybilHunter/PackagedLegos/Legos/k_means.py 0x5F927395213ee6b95dE97bDdCb1b2B1C0F16844F

Running a Lego

The apps architecture allows any lego script to be added as long as it conforms to the following.

  • Must take in an Etherum address as a parameter
  • Must only print out a raw repsentation of a boolean 1 or 0 (sybil or non-sybil)

Raw booleans allow all lego languages to be applied to the pipeline. Users also have the ability to change the lego path command.

Anti-Sybil Dashboard

Packaged Legos

Packaged legos are written in python and utilize existing librarys for the algorithm implentation. Each lego outputs a boolean value. True indicates that sybil was detected and False being non-sybil.

All transaction data comes from a Trueblocks server daemon. This endpoint will need to be modified within each lego in order to work in your environment. The max record parameter is used to prevent over utilization of the Trueblocks server and is set to 10 records (transactions). This number should be increased to a optimal 100 records for the most accurate results.

Kmeans Cluster

Kmeans searches for sybil by clustering transactions based on same frequency / same amount. The key purpose is to detect transactions that show indications of bulk transfers and automation. The lego utilizes sklearn for the prepocessing and kmeans clusting.

Two checks are done before and after clusting. If failed, the input address will be considered to have no sybil.

  • Address must have more then 10 transactions.

  • Cluster quality is too close to zero, indicating that clusters are significantly overlapping one another.


Predetemined information is needed to increase efficiency to idenifity sybil behavior. By knowing the address has interacted with a grant round or bulk transfer contract prevents the mis-labeling of sybil behavior.

Ocean Protocol Upload: https://arweave.net/BfE7lBM4lDrgnuLKLkzGT3y1gaZR_L7B0zQ6j0cbzgw

Association Classifier

Model Type

One Hot Encoder → Dict Vectorizer → Feature Vectorizer → GLM Classifier

Model Validation : 71%

Lego classifies sybil behvaior based who and what an address associates with. Classification through address association. Associated interactions are derived from the transaction history and consolidated. Each consolidated interaction is passed into a pre trained coreMl model and a sybil prediction is made. Predictions are percentages based on confidence. A confidence level that is more then 50% is considered sybil and less is non-sybil. After each consolidated transaction is predicted a final result is returned concluding the sybil behavior of the input address.

Ocean Protocol Upload: https://arweave.net/MUksj1LWVdKL_swfhrvN-omSzuyFIJ8OwnZuGPRG9UI

Behavior Regressor

Model Type

Dict Vectorizer → Feature Vectorizer → GLM Regressor

Model Validation : 63%

Lego regressor shares similar charateristics to the lego classifier through the use of the same data set. But during training the address interacted with is hidden producting a classifier that only looks at the behavior generated by the interactions of each transaction.

Ocean Protocol Upload: https://arweave.net/3alJqjPbN2OoCemSoh-vYfAwT6upuvvpv5EgEQ3uusI

Model Training

Legos are trained on selected transactions from the Gitcoin bulk donations contract. The bulk donations contract appear to be the easiest to filter addresses that display sybil behavior.

Address were discovered using the following filter.

  • Top 50 contributors to the bulk donations contract
  • High number of bulk donations to the same grant
  • High donation amount to the same grant

Non-sybil address filter.

  • Top 50 contributors to the bulk donations contract
  • Mid number of bulk donations to the different grants
  • Mid donation amount to the different grants

Taking the top 15 address and downloading 70 transactions from each address using Trueblocks. All transactions are then consolidated into a dictionary based on the following.

  • Key

    • Address intracted with
  • Values

    • in : Total number transactions from the intracted address.
    • out : Total number transactions to the intracted address.
    • in Amount : Total amount of Eth from interacted address.
    • out Amount : Total amount of Eth to interacted address.
    • time Between : Avarge time between transactions.
    • topics : Topics seen followed by number.
    • is Contract : Binary boolean if intracted address is a contract.

Sybil labels are add and consolidated transactions are mixed before training the model.

Training Data https://arweave.net/uCgwMC6wRx3jSDGM172ReOWfABIqbBcUqsP0ZPK2HPM

TrueBlock Transactions https://arweave.net/onOnRoqQaJnfw2JuFqFNB6owR1wXKz1N_ii-Y5_F2AE


This project is available under MIT licence