

Primary LanguageC++

How to build

First either clone this repository with the command git clone https://github.com/MitchellHansen/cs-445 or by downloading through github.

Next, you're going to need to get CMake to build the project. It can be found here. You can download the msi to install it, or the zip if you want a portable version.

Now you're also going to need to grab the SFML binaries here. You need to download the file for your version of Visual Studio, make sure that it is also the 64 bit version. Unzip that wherever you want. I'll put it on my desktop.

With everything downloaded, open up the cmake-gui app and start filling in the info.

Where is the source code? That is going to be the path to your cs-445 folder that you cloned from github. C:/Users/yourname/Desktop/cs-445

Where to build the binaries? That is just going to be the folder you previously pointed too with /build on top. C:/Users/yourname/Desktop/cs-445/build

Now, hit the configure button and it'll ask to specify a generator for the project. Select your version of Visual Studio. Mine is 2015 so I selected Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64. Make sure you use the Win64 ones. Hit finish.

Cmake will pop an error about invalid values or something. The SFML_ROOT name will have the value root, set that value to the path where your SFML files are located


Hit configure again and there should no longer be any errors.

Your output should look like this

Found SFML 2.4.1 in C:\Users\yourname\Desktop\SFML-2.4.1-windows-vc14-64-bit\SFML-2.4.1\include
Configuring done

Now hit the generate button and you'll find your visual studio solution file in C:\Users\mrh\Desktop\cs-445\build or wherever you cloned the repo to.

We're almost there, open the cs-445-labs.sln file in /build. In the solution explorer you will see


Right click cs-445-labs and select SetAsStartUpProject

Run the program and the program will crash complaining about .dll's. We solve this by copy and pasting the dll files found in C:\Users\yourname\Desktop\SFML-2.4.1-windows-vc14-64-bit\SFML-2.4.1\bin and putting them in C:\Users\yourname\Desktop\cs-445\build\Debug. Run the program again and everything should work!