
My personal Valorant tracker for guiding my training and climbing in solo queue.

Primary LanguageR

Local hosting instructions (for development)

This project relies on an email address that is stored in an .Renviron file. This email is used to authenticate your G-mail account, allowing a user to read the data from Google Sheets. Without this authentication, the app will not work. The app is also hosted publicly here. Local hosting is only required during development.

Edit .Renviron.example

In the file .Renviron.example, replace yourEmailHere@gmail.com with your G-mail email address. Note that there should be an empty line at the end of the file, and no quotation marks etc. should be used.

Rename .Renviron.example

For your R Studio session to read your email, rename the .Renviron.example file to .Renviron.

Authenticate in-app

In server.R, there is a line commented out that contains gs4_auth(). Un-comment that file and run the app once. There should be a prompt that pops up in your browser asking you to authenticate with your G-mail account. After that, gs4_auth() can be commented out for the remainder of development.