

Primary LanguageShell


What VIM plugins are included?

  • Pathogen - Plugin manager for all these plugins.
  • Fugitive - Git commands in VIM
  • NERD Tree - Folder explorer panel to find/open/create/etc files (F2).
  • Tag List - See a list of functions in class and jump to them (F3).
  • NERD Commenter - Easily comment-out/uncomment code (,ci)
  • PDV - PHP docblock generator (ctrl+d).
  • surround.vim - Change surrounding items, eg. "Hello" to 'Hello' (cs"').
  • EasyMotion - Jump to a word fast, eg. if it starts with 's' (,,fs).
  • Snipmate - Textmate-like snippets engine, eg. create a for loop (for<tab>).
  • Vim Snippets - Snippets for Snipmate.
  • Solarized - Colorscheme for Vim.
  • Syntastic - Syntax error checking.
  • phpcs.vim - PHP_CodeSniffer.
  • CtrlP - Fuzzy file finder (ctrl+p).
  • vim-airline - vim status bar, lightweight powerline.
  • vim-gitgutter - Shows git diff symbols in the 'gutter' [sign column].
  • YouCompleteMe - Code autocompletion as-you-type (<tab>).
  • phpcomplete-extended - Autocomplete improvements for PHP, works with YouCompleteMe.
  • vim-php-namespace - Automatically add 'use' statements for class under cursor (,u).
  • vim-multiple-cursors - Sublime Text-like multiple curors (ctrl+n to go to next word).


Make sure your VIM is up-to-date (this is only test with VIM >7.3), eg. for linux:

sudo apt-get install vim

In your root directory (cd ~), get the latest code from the repo:

git clone git@github.com/MitchellMcKenna/dotfiles.git

Create symbolic link so that ~/.vimrc points to the ~/dotfiles/.vimrc file:

ln -s ~/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

Create symbolic link so that ~/.vim/ points to the ~/dotfiles/.vim/ file:

ln -s ~/dotfiles/.vim ~/.vim

Get all the plugins from their git repos:

cd ~/dotfiles
git submodule init
git submodule update

Create a symbolic link so that ~/.gitconfig points to ~/dotfiles/.gitconfig (update with your git creds)

mv ~/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig.bak
ln -s ~/dotfiles/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig

Create a symbolic link so that ~/.git-completion points to ~/dotfiles/.git-completion (update with your git creds)

ln -s ~/dotfiles/.git-completion.sh ~/.git-completion.sh
ln -s ~/dotfiles/.git-prompt.sh ~/.git-prompt.sh

Create a symbolic link so that ~/.bashrc points to ~/dotfiles/.bashrc

mv ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak
ln -s ~/dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc


Taglist Requires Exuberant Ctags:

Windows - if you get an error install in windows and add the following to vimrc:

let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'C:\ctags\ctags.exe'

Mac - install brew and then update ctags using:

brew install ctags

open up ~/.profile and add /usr/local/bin to your path so it looks something like this:
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH


sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags

Setup ctags for vim-php-namespace

ctags-exuberant -R --PHP-kinds=+cf


ctags -R --PHP-kinds=+cf

Compile vimproc.vim for phpcomplete-extended

cd ~/.vim/bundle/vimproc.vim

Setup YouCompleteMe - As-You-Type Code Completion

Install guide. Requires Vim 7.3.584, if you using a lower Vim version and can't upgrade it, use neocomplecache instead.

Setup JS/CSS Linting

Install NodeJS if you don't have it already then run:

npm install -g csslint
npm install -g jshint

Setting Up Airline (Powerline)

In order to get the fancy arrows and symbols in the statusbar powered by vim-airline, you need to patch the font, follow the instructions on vim-airline - Integrating with powerline fonts.

Don't forget to update your terminal settings to use the new font as well after you've patched it.

You can add vim plugins as git submodules for easy updates


git submodule add https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-pathogen

Remove a vim plugin


git deinit .vim/bundle/plugin-name.vim
git rm .vim/bundle/plugin-name.vim

Update All Git Submodules

git submodule foreach git pull

Entering Insert Mode Causes Delay

This can be caused by vim-airline in older versions on Vim 7.3. Either update to a newer version, disable airline, or use Powerline instead.

Typing 'vi' Not Opening Vim

Add the following to your ~/.profile

alias vi="vim"

Tell Git to ignore dirty submodules

Git will say there is changes to submodules when tags are built out. Just add "ignore = dirty" to any submodules in .gitmodules for each submodule it complains about.

Not working? You probably need to update your git to the latest version

phpcs.vim Ignoring Settings to set PHP_CodeSniffer to use PSR2

Just force PSR2 to phpcs' default standard:

sudo phpcs --config-set default_standard PSR2