start the project by running 
npm install --save

npm app.js

The following application has

    which has the API req, res 
    which has the business logic for all the 3 APIs
    1. Login 
    2. Registration
    3. Get all users (sort / pagination / filter)
    which has MYSQL queries 

DB used is Relational DB - MYSQL 

http://localhost:3000/registration - POST
    Checks if employee present if no then creates new registration
http://localhost:3000/login - POST
    Returns success if employee is registered
http://localhost:3000/modifySearch?first_name=Mitchelle&last_name=Creado&employee_id=12&pagination=1&offset=1&sort=[first_name, last_name, employee_id] - GET
    first_name - filter by first_name if present
    last_name - filter by last_name if present
    employee_id - filter by employee_id if present
    pagination & offset - used for pagination 
    sort - sorting parameters