
Making request to EKS cluster using go API with information provided in kubectl file

Primary LanguageGo


In this project, we are making API request to EKS cluster with information provided in kubeconfig file and AWS credentials using aws-iam-authenticator.

Needed variables:

  1. certificateAuthorityDataFile: This file contains certificate data which is stored as base64 in kubeconfig file as variable certificate-authority-data.
  2. clusterName: Name of cluster
  3. clusterServerUrl: Cluster server url to make request to server
  4. AWS details: Need aws access key, secret and region to authenticate with help of aws-iam-authenticator to authenticate with EKS cluster
  5. clusterId: This is unique cluster identifier. Detail: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator#what-is-a-cluster-id

Once all information is updated in main.go, command to run main.go file:

go run main.go