Statement Processor

  • Task

    Write a multi-threaded application in Java 8+ or Kotlin.

    You’re given 2 text files on local filesystem; each should contain a piece of text in UTF-8 (words separated by one or more whitespace characters). The solution should be able to gracefully reject input not conforming to these requirements.

    Process the files and provide the total word occurrence count and separate count in uploaded files.

1. Clone the repository

2. Run the app using maven

mvn spring-boot:run

The application can be accessed at http://localhost:8101.

3. API Documentation

The api documentation is done at swagger and it can also be accessed at http://localhost:8101/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v3/api-docs/swagger-config# .Also tested from swagger end point too

This was developed as a rest application so the uploaded files will provide result in json format sorted by total count

format of the response json

         "additionalProp1":0,//file1Name : count on file 1
         "additionalProp2":0,//file2Name : count on file 2
      "totalCount":0 //Total Count from all files

4. Project Details

  • Separation of Concerns
  • Facade pattern - Modules are well separated and independent for further Scaling up.
  • Usage of Lombok -Builder pattern which gives a clear picture of separation and implementation.
  • Exception Handling : All the possible constraints are taking into account.