
Spring boot application which exposes two rest api one via Spring and one via Apache camel to get the list of AtmLocations in Netherlands and to get the list of Atmlocations based on the city name

Technologies/Libraries Used

Java (1.8)
Spring Boot Web --> Web application is hosted along with this application to display in GUI
Spring Boot Security  --> Added security to restrict only authorized users to use the applications 
                          certain paths (username: user, password: password)
Spring Boot Thymeleaf  --> used as a template engine to display in GUI
Apache Camel Swagger,Servlet,Boot Starter --> To configure a RestDSL API from Apache Camel
jQuery, Datatables, bootstrap

Core Classes:

AtmLocationRetriverController --> exposes a Rest End point /getAtmLocations to get the list of Atm's and its Location
                                  Details provided by the AtmLocatorService
                                  e.g http://localhost:8090/getAtmLocations
CityAtmsLocationRetriverContoller --> exposes a Rest Api via Apache camel to get the list of atms based on the city 
                                      provided by the user
                                      Apache camel servlet context path: /camel-rest
                                      Rest end point is /camel-rest/findAtms/{city}
                                      e.g http://localhost:8090/camel-rest/findAtms/amstelveen
ViewController    ---> Controller to handle  and render views                                    
AtmLocatorService--> Service implements the Rest template consumption of the Third party Rest service                                                                         
                     Which provides the list of ATM 

Web Flow:

http://localhost:8090/ - home page
http://localhost:8090/locateAllAtms - find all atm locations in netherlands
http://localhost:8090/locateCityAtms - find atms based on the search city provided by user

P.S: I had used apache camel for exposing a Rest service i learned newly for implementing this code challenge but i was not able to write the junit test only for the rest service exposed by apache camel

To Run:

mvn spring-boot:run


Build using Maven

Import in maven

Run the FindAtmLocationApplication

IDE used:

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2 x64