Recipe Application Java Assignment


This assignment is to

  1. Write a SpringBoot/Java restful backend;

Assignment is to write a Java application with a restful backend, which supports storing recipes and manipulate the recipes. Each Recipe contain recipe name, recipe type, No of Servings, Ingredients and Instructions The application is developed using Java and Spring-Boot

The restful backend should support the following endpoints:

Method Path Description Access
POST /login Authentication token creator public
POST /recipes/filter Returns a paginated list of recipes, if the filter is present then filtered paginated results are provided, If no filters then all recipes displays in the pagination public
POST /recipes Creates a new recipes private(ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_MANAGER)
GET /recipes/{id} Retrieves the full details of a single recipes public
DELETE /recipes/{id} Deletes a recipes private(ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_MANAGER)
POST /admin/user Add new user private(ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_MANAGER)

Swagger Documentation

Swagger documentation is available at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

Instructions to start the application


Mongo Db is needed to run it locally. Change local profile yml with your local mongodb creds

Use the following to run: ./gradlew bootRun

To run the tests, use ./gradlew check

Docker Documentation

Instructions to start the application from docker


From root directory run

docker-compose up -d

Improvements can be done

  1. User management can be improved by defining more clear roles/permissions and more endpoints for managing roles
  2. Scaling of the application can be improved with the orchestration kubernetes
  3. design as separate microservices component to increase scalability (eg: auth, api)
  4. Clearly define and use either one of the approach contract first or code first. current code uses code first approach for contract and documentation
  5. CI/CD Pipeline integration
  6. Automation Testing with CI/CD
  7. Load testing to understand the application behaviour and bottlenecks
  8. JWT Refresh Token implementation
  9. Utilize JAVA 17 features like Record classes instead of lombok