If you want to know everything about the STAR WARS episode this is the app for you. Developed using Vue.js, JavaScript, Css, vueRouter and Star Wars API
- Download/Clone repo
- In Terminal
npm install
npm run serve
You have been asked to build an app to display information about Star Wars films.
- The app should initially display a list of the film titles
- When a film title is clicked the app should load the film details including title, episode number, release date and director
- When the film detail loads, the films characters details (name and height) should also be displayed
- Add a filter to format the height from centimetres into meters
- Add a filter to format the date as dd MMM YYYY. (19 May 1999)
- Also show details of a characters home world (name, terrain) along with the character name and height
Advanced Extensions
- Use router to add a link to the film details. When this is clicked it should take you to a view that displays the films opening crawl text. The crawl view should take in the film as a prop to access the crawl.
- get more css into it