
JavaScript library, designed to facilitate communication with iOS devices. The library’s interface is Promise-based.


In order to use device-lib, just add a reference to it in your package.json:

dependencies: {
	"device-lib": "0.0.1"

After that execute npm install in the directory, where your package.json is located. This command will install all your dependencies in node_modules directory. Now you are ready to use device-lib in your project:

const DeviceLib = require("device-lib");
const dl = new DeviceLib(d => {
	console.log("Device FOUND!", device);
}, device => {
	console.log("Device LOST!", device);

dl.install("./app.ipa", ["deviceId1", "deviceId2"])
	.forEach(promise => {
		promise.then(response => {
			console.log("INSTALL PASSED", response);
		}).catch(err => {
			console.log("An error occurred ;(", err);

API Reference

This section contains information about each public method.