NativeScript Facebook Plugin

This is a proof of concept plugin.

You can vote for a cross-platform implementation in the idea portal.


Clone the repo:

git clone

Go to your app and add the plugin:

tns plugin add ../nativescript-facebook-plugin

You will be prompted for the values of the FACEBOOK_APP_ID (1234567890) and APP_NAME (org.nativescript.myapp) plugin variables.

Usage iOS

You can see an ios sample in the ios-demo folder.

Usage Android

  • Copy the content of the android-demo folder into the <app_name>/app/ folder.
  • Open the node_modules/nativescript-facebook-plugin/platformsandroid/include.gradle file.
  • Replace __YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID_HERE__ with your facebook app id.
  • Run project.


  • NativeScript CLI 1.4+