
A package to help with webpacking NativeScript apps.


  • webpack config templates.
  • helper functions that place files at the correct locations before packaging apps.
  • loaders and plugins for vanilla NativeScript and Angular apps.


$ npm install --save-dev nativescript-dev-webpack
$ npm install

$ npm run start-android-bundle
$ npm run start-ios-bundle


For details, see the NativeScript docs.

Note about dependencies.

The nativescript-dev-webpack plugin adds a few devDependencies to the project. Make sure to run either npm install or yarn after installing the plugin. The versions of the newly added packages depend on the versions of some of your already added packages. More specifically - tns-core-modules and all packages from the @angular scope. Since version 0.4.0, nativescript-dev-webpack will automatically add the correct development dependencies, based on what you already have installed. You can force update your package.json using the update-ns-webpack script which you can find in PROJECT_DIR/node_modules/.bin. If the bundling process fails, please make sure you have the correct versions of the packages.

Main packages versions Plugins versions
tns-core-modules: ^3.0.0
@angular/: ^4.0.0
nativescript-angular: ^3.0.0
@ngtools/webpack: ^1.3.0
typescript: ^2.2.0
tns-core-modules: ^2.5.0
@angular/: ^4.0.0
nativescript-angular: ^1.5.1
@ngtools/webpack: 1.2.13
typescript: 2.1.6
tns-core-modules: ^2.5.0
@angular/: ^2.4.0
nativescript-angular: ^1.4.1
@ngtools/webpack: 1.2.10
typescript: 2.1.6

P.S. Also please make sure you are using the same version of all @angular/ packages, including the devDependency of @angular/compiler-cli.