using back4app
headers: {
'X-Parse-Application-Id': appId,
'X-Parse-REST-API-Key': restApiKey,
'X-Parse-JavaScript-Key': apiKey,
if (userData) {
options.headers['X-Parse-Session-Token'] = userData.sessionToken;
example json:
"name": "A string",
"beds": 1,
"location": "A string",
"owner": { "__type": "Pointer", "className": "_User", "objectId": "<THE_REFERENCED_OBJECT_ID>" },
"openForBooking": true
use this:
"owner": { "__type": "Pointer", "className": "_User", "objectId": "<THE_REFERENCED_OBJECT_ID>" },
just to remeber how 'repeat' works:
API Reference > Queries >
- Constraints
- OR-AND operators
- Relational Queries
- Constraints :
--data-urlencode 'where={"title": "My post title", "likes": { "$gt": 100 }}' \
- OR operator :
--data-urlencode 'where={"$or":[{"likes":{"$gt":1000}}, {"title":"My great post"}], "author": {"__type":"Pointer","className":"_User","objectId":"kzunnPFh5i"}}' \
- Relational Queries :
--data-urlencode 'where={"post":{"__type":"Pointer","className":"Post","objectId":"<OBJECT_ID>"}}' \
filtering only open for booking rooms :
const endpoints = {
'rooms': (userId) =>
`/classes/Room?where=${encodeURIComponent(`{"$or":[{"openForBooking":true},{"owner":${JSON.stringify(createPointer('_User', userId))}}]}`)}`,
'roomById': '/classes/Room/'
documentation about **include** like **populate** in mongoose
use this url -->
Queries > Relational Queries >
You can also do multi level includes using dot notation. If you wanted to include the post for a comment and the post’s author as well you can do:
--data-urlencode '' \
added new column to reservation class:
class level permission of Reservation :