
Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a project for tracking Relic weapon progression in FFXIV. Each expansion of FXIV adds a new relic weapon with different tasks required to unlock them.

Current release is here: https://github.com/VarsityPhysicist/FFXIVRelicTracker/releases

This is my first programming project and I didn't look into basing it on any specific version of Microsoft's .NET Core runtime, so the version required if .NET Core 3.1 - you can download it here:https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/thank-you/sdk-3.1.405-windows-x64-installer

Currently the following expansions are included in this: ARR, ShB, Skysteel Tools

The order of planned expansions to be added are: SB - if a new stage for ShB drops then that will get completed first

All of the information I've put together here is from other community sources, I would like to credit the people contributing to and maintaining GamerEscape (https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Main_Page) and the FFXIV Wiki (https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki)

To use the application, download the files and run FFXIVRelicTracker.exe

The main window can be dragged around from the top bar and can be expanded or shrunk by clicking and dragging from the bottom right corner.

Create a character via the add character button. Click the save button on the main menu at any time to save the current progression of all characters that have been added.

Once a character is selected via the dropdown, the options on the right of the window will allow viewing of the character's progression through different expansion's relics

ARR Progression:
    Summary Tab:
      The summary tab is the default tab selected in ARR, it list the different stages for each weapon and each job.
      Each stage and job in the table has a button that is used to indicate progress, clicking the buttons completes or incompletes other options in the table.
        If a stage is completed by clicking a button, preceeding stages are completed
        If a stage is incompleted by clicking a button, following stages are incompleted
        If a stage is put into "Initiated" other jobs at that level that had "Initiated" as their status are set to N/A, since this stage can 
          only be worked on by a single job at a time

    Relic Tab:
      This tab is used to display when the stages are for the first step, called the relic stage
      Select a job via the dropdown box and the steps required for completion will display on the left and an 
        image will display showing the appropriate step's location to go to, since some point of the progression requires slaying of some creatures
      Clicking the mark completed button updates the job to have completed the Relic stage and this is updated in the Summary Tab
      Checkboxes will strike through the text they are associated with
    Zenith Tab:
      There is no zenith tab, the stage requires 3 Thavnairian Mist and you're done
    Atma Tab:
      This tab is used to show where to get specific atma and how many are required for completing all remaining jobs

    Animus Tab:
      This tab is used for displaying the progress on completing books.
      Each book has creatures required to be slain, Leves to complete, FATEs to complete, and dungeons to complete.
      On the top of this tab, the books can be completed via checkboxes
      On the bottom of this tab there are several items:
        The current book being worked on is selected via a dropdown, as books are checked off from the top they are removed or added as necessary
        The creatures, Leves, FATEs, and dungeons to be completed are shown with checkboxes to indicate if they're completed or not
        Several radio buttons for available maps are located to the right of this section; as items are completed/incompleted, 
          the listing of maps that content is to be completed in updated as necessary
        Selecting a radio button displays a map image on the right
        Each task in a map will be shown by a colored circle on the map. The taks types are color-coded and match the outlining in the sections on the left of the window
        Completing a task can be done by clicking on the circle on the map or the checkboxes
    Novus Tab:
      This tab is used for displaying the progress on adding materia to the scrolls for completion
      A total of 75 materia is required to be added, for PLD and DRG classes I have the information on the max materia for each type that are to be affixed
        Other jobs, I do not have the max materia for each item, so their interface only allows adding of subtracting from the total

    Nexus Tab:
      This tab is used for displaying the progress on "collecting light" for the target weapon
      Collecting light is done by completing tasks with the weapon equipped; varying tasks give different levels of light, 
        but its most time effecient to run Tam-Tara Deepcroft since it only takes a few minutes to complete and is easiliy solo-able at level cap
      Click buttons to add the amount of "light" to the total or type in the current total if it is known
     Zodiac Braves Tab:
      This tab is used for displaying the progress on completing the required quests for this stage
      At the top right, the total currencies required for all remaining tasks is listed
      In the table, there is information on the quests to be completed - where to go and what to gather
        The items that are to be purchased or crafted may be done in advance
      Zodiac Zeta Tab:
        This tab is used for displaying the progress on "collecting light" for the target weapon like the Nexus stage
        This stage is similar to the Nexus stage, except instead of collecting 2000 light at onces, you collect
          40 light 12 times

HW Progression:
    Animated Tab:
        Tracks luminous crystals. Completing a job subtracts 1 crystal of each type
    Awoken Tab:
        Tracks dungeon completion for Awoken stage. Toggling checkboxes out of order completes/incompletes other groups of dungeons as necessary
        Switching jobs resets the checkboxes

    Anima Tab:
        Tracks gathering various items for this stage. Completing a job subtracts 10 unidentifiable materials of each type, and 4 of other types

    Hyperconductive Tab:
        Track Aether Oils for hyperconductive stage. Completing a job subtracts 1 Aether Oil

    Reconditioned Tab:
        Tracks treated crystal sand allocation and umbrite & crystal sand needed. 
        Switching jobs resets treated crystal sand
        Completing jobs does not automatically reduce umbrite & crystal sand tracked, since this is variable. You can type into the box for these to change them if needed
        It isn't listed, but the easiest way (IMO) for gatherer's / crafter's to get Crystal Sand is by trading the blue scrip tokens

    Sharpened Tab:
        Tracks Singing Clusters needed
        Completing a job subtracts 50 clusters from the count

    Complete Tab:
        Tracks completing dungeons, Pneumite needed, and Aetheric Density needed
        Completing a job and switching jobs resets the dungeon checkboxes and sets the aetheric density count to 0
        Completing a job subtracts 15 from the pneumite count

    Lux Tab:
        Tracks dungeon completion and Archaic Enchanted Ink needed
        Switching jobs resets checkboxes
        Toggling checkboxes out of order completes/incompletes other groups of dungeons as necessary
        Completing a job subtracts 1 Archaic Enchanted Ink from the count

ShB Progression:
    Summary Tab:
        This functions the same as the ARR summary stage, progress class completion of a Relic Weapon by clicking the corresponding button in the table
    Resistance Tab:
        This tab shows how to get the first stage of ShB Relic Weapons
            The first Relic is rewarded upon completion of the quest chain starting with 'Hail to the Queen'
            Subsequent Relics can be acquired for items that cost Poetics
            There is a Poetic cost tracker than can be used if one desires - I planned to slowly buy the Scalepowders but so I wasn't Poetic-capped

    Augmented Resistance Tab:
        This tab is used for tracking Memory items collected for augmenting Resistance weapons
        The total remaining count of memory items is displayed, and the current count of individual memory items may be tracked if desired

    Recollection Tab:
        This tab is used for tracking Bitter Memory items needed for upgrading Augmented Resistance weapons

Skysteel Tools Progression:
    Summary Tab:
        This functions the same as the ARR summary stage, progress class completion of Skysteel tools by clicking the corresponding button in the table

    Base Tool Tab:
        The first Tool is rewarded upon completion of the quest chain starting with 'Mislaid Plans'
            Subsequent Tools can be purchased from Denys in Foundation

    Skysteel Tool+1 Tab:
        This tab is used to show the items needed to obtain the Skysteel Tool+1 for each class
         Classes have different items required; be sure to note what items are required to be HQ
         Also, some of the items for crafting classes are purchased for 50 yellow scrips each, so the tab also has a tracker that 
            determines how many yellow scrips are required to complete all remaining class tools
    Dragonsung Tab:
        This tab is used to show the items needed to obtain the Dragonsung Tool for each class
         Classes have different items required; be sure to note what items are required to be HQ
         Also, some of the items for crafting classes are purchased for 50 yellow scrips each, so the tab also has a tracker that 
            determines how many yellow scrips are required to complete all remaining class tools
    Augmented Dragonsung Tab:
        This tab is used to show the items needed to obtain the Augmented Dragonsung Tool for each class
        Classes have different items required; be sure to note what how many materials are yielded for different collectability levels
        Also, some of the items for crafting classes are purchased for 60 yellow scrips each, so the tab also has a tracker that 
            determines how many yellow scrips are required to complete all remaining class tools

    Skysung Tab:
        This tab is used to show the items needed to obtain the Skysung Tool for each class
        Classes have different items required; be sure to note what how many materials are yielded for different collectability levels
        Also, some of the items for crafting classes are purchased for 60 yellow scrips each, so the tab also has a tracker that 
            determines how many yellow scrips are required to complete all remaining class tools

Don't forget to save progress before closing the application!