
A plugin for babel to transform `x * y` into something like `JSBD.multiply(x, y)` to support bigdecimals.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


NOTICE: This will not work in many cases, so please use bignumber.js or decimal.js directly only if you know, that the code works only with BigDecimals. Since proposal decimal is still in stage-1, it might changed a lot and this transformer many take this breaking changes in the feature.

A plugin for babel to transform x * y into something like JSBD.multiply(x, y) to support decimals.


Input using native BigDecimals:

const a = BigDecimal(0.1);
const b = 0.2m;

a + b;
a - b;
a * b;
a / b;
a % b;
a ** b;

a === b;
a < b;
a <= b;
a > b;
a >= b;


Compiled output using JSBD:

const a = JSBD.BigDecimal(0.1);
const b = JSBD.BigDecimal(0.2);
JSBD.add(a, b);
JSBD.subtract(a, b);
JSBD.multiply(a, b);
JSBD.divide(a, b);
JSBD.remainder(a, b);
JSBD.pow(a, b);
JSBD.equal(a, b);
JSBD.lessThan(a, b);
JSBD.lessThanOrEqual(a, b);
JSBD.greaterThan(a, b);
JSBD.greaterThanOrEqual(a, b);


  1. Open https://babeljs.io/en/repl
  2. Turn off all presets.
  3. "Add plugin" @babel/babel-plugin-syntax-decimal
  4. "Add plugin" babel-plugin-transform-decimal

¡ It is buggy !

Or you can try out on my fork version of AST explorer.


  • support BigDecimal.round(1m);
  • support Number(0.1m);
  • support shift operators << and >>;
  • support bitwise operators like & / | / ^;


Published under ISC License.