
SomatiColors enables users with Somatoform symptomatology to track events and situations in which they experience pain/fatigue. With the ability to visualize, filter, and sort through events plotted on their personalized timelines, users are better able to find the connections between their emotions and physical symptoms.

"Somatoform disorders are mental illnesses that cause bodily symptoms, including pain. The symptoms can't be traced back to any physical cause. And they are not the result of substance abuse or another mental illness. People with somatoform disorders are not faking their symptoms." - WebMD

If you fork this repo, you must run npm install, mongod, mongo, and gulp in order for this app to function properly.

Visit SomatiColors on Heroku

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB + Mongoose
  • AngularJS
  • Nodemailer
  • Gulp
  • Bootstrap + Angular UI + Custom CSS
  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop & Illustrator)
  • Sketch


 SomatiColors Screenshot  SomatiColors Screenshot  SomatiColors Screenshot

User Stories

(Role) As a .. (Goal) I want to..
User log into my account
User create an account
User update my account settings
User delete my account and timeline events
User add my mental health psychian's email address so I can email events straight to their inbox
User customize my emotional color pallete
User create/edit/delete an event
User visualize event/situation emotions by creating a color stripe to the left of each timeline entry
User visualize event/situation bodily sensations by marking an image of a body based on checkbox values
User download the mobile app in order to read through my timeline during therapy
Visitor learn more about SomatiColors on the landing page


 SomatiColors ERD

User Model

username, password, first_name, last_name, email, mental_health_physician, physician_email

Event Model

title, date, location, people_involved, situation, triggers, bodily_sensations, emotion, automatic_thoughts, rational_response, behaviors, consequences, challenged_beliefs, lesson, old_perspective, new_perspective, coping_strategies, user_id


 SomatiColors Wireframe  SomatiColors Wireframe  SomatiColors Wireframe  SomatiColors Wireframe  SomatiColors Wireframe