- This application was made along side this tutorial with additional features added.
- Mobile and Desktop Responsive
- Register page with complete functionality
- Ability to upload user photos
- Ability for text and photo posts
- Functionality for comments and like/dislike of posts
- Individual user pages
- Ability to add other users as friends
- Dark and Light themes readily available
Front End: | Backend: |
- Dotenv | - Bcrypt |
- Formik | - Body-parser |
- React | - Cors |
- React-dropzone | - Dotenv |
- React-redux | - Express |
- React-router | - Gridfs-stream |
- Redux-persist | - Helmet |
- Yup | - Jsonwebtoken |
- Mongoose | |
- Morgan | |
- Multer | |
- Multer-gridfs-storage |