MixedEmotions Entity Linking Module

Installation with Maven 2:

mvn install


Running the container:

sudo docker pull mixedemotions/08_entity_extraction_pt
sudo docker run -p 32769:2812 --name entities_pt -d mixedemotions/08_entity_extraction_pt

Check that the container “entities_pt” is running:

sudo docker ps

You should see something like:

CONTAINER ID     IMAGE                                                     COMMAND   CREATED      STATUS              
fb204d4de6db        mixedemotions/08_entity_extraction_pt   "python3  4 weeks ago         Up 2 minutes        

PORTS                     NAMES>2812/tcp   entities_pt

And example of concept extraction for the text “Cristiano ronaldo seguirá cuatro años más en el real madrid”


You should receive something like:

    "real madrid",
    "cristiano ronaldo"