
🏪🌐Online Store on Django📈📊

Primary LanguagePython

Online Store 🏪🌐📊

This project is an online store written in Django.

Typing SVG

🛠 Demo version

Main page image

Producut page img.png

Basket page img.png

Buy all img.png


Feedback img.png

All company Page img.png

Company Page img.png

Favorites product img.png

Favorites products Page img.png

👷‍♂️Implemented on the site

  • Registration system
  • Personal Area
  • Product Reviews
  • Basket
  • Product selection by category
  • Product search by keywords
  • Products are branded
  • Favorite products feature (implemented with websockets and django-channels)

😕As you can see, this project lacks a front-end developer.
I always welcome your suggestions.
My mail: xmixho@gmail.com

!!! You must have docker installed to use this project.

⚙️Project setup

git clone https://github.com/Mixnosha/market.git
cd market/main_app
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements
python manage.py migrate
docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:5
python manage.py runserver