
Primary LanguageShell



🔗 Table of content

Installation Keybinds/Usage


For arch users ( AUR HELPER NEEDED )

yay -S bspwm polybar dunst picom kitty fish rofi python python-dbus nerd-fonts-fira-code ttf-iosevka-nerd

For debian users

Install arch (jk) i'm working in that
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Bleyom/dotfiles
Go to the "dotfiles" directory
cd dotfiles
Give execution permissions to necessary files
u can get a rofi theme in https://github.com/Bleyom/rofi
chmod +x scripts/*
chmod +x eww/scripts/*
chmod +x polybar/launch.sh
chmod +x bspwm/bspwmrc
Copy directories to ~/.config
Move ``move scripts/eww and scripts/dshbrd to ~/.co
Move fish/starship.toml to ~/.config


cp -r {bspwm,polybar,sxhkd,picom,eww,dunst,neofetch,fish,kitty} ~/.config

And create a ~/.scripts directory and move all the files in the scripts folder to ~/.scripts

Fine now The keybindings :D


Keybind Command
mod + Return Open kitty/Terminal Emlator
mod + space bar Launch rofi
mod + shift + c Launch rofi screenshot menu
mod + shift + l Daily quote :p
mod + shift + s Launch spotify
mod + shift + f Launch Firefox
mod + shift + d Launch discord
mod + shift + m Launch rofi music menu
mod + shift + l Launch i3lock
mod + d Launch eww widget
mod + c Close window


  • Update README
  • Make auto-install script for Arch/Debian
  • Add Gallery