
Up-to-date list of Discord servers that are known to be used for phishing.

Phishing Discord Servers List

⚠️ Warning

Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to verify your account on any of the servers listed below. These servers are known to be used for phishing and can steal your personal information, including your Discord account credentials.


This repository aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date list of Discord servers that are known to be used for phishing. By maintaining and sharing this list, we hope to help users and server administrators protect themselves and their communities from malicious activities. Please report these servers to speed up their take down.

Phishing Servers List

The servers are listed below in order of popularity, with the most popular servers at the top. Popularity is determined by the number of spam messages a server has made.

967546882329034802 | https://discord.gg/hottestleaks
456873588981628960 | https://discord.gg/bigleaks
1066354931445018684 | https://discord.gg/teenhubs
1179932786463871086 | https://discord.gg/teen-sex
1160018997316702302 | https://discord.gg/e-womans
1237399495529070704 | https://discord.gg/justchill
1257289074193207336 | https://discord.gg/xleaks
1049857068091330600 | https://discord.gg/pornhuub
1063212833598341130 | https://discord.gg/eVhUyF5QrW
449056015846080517 | https://discord.gg/twitterleak
1255000247441162340 | https://discord.gg/needgirls
1198714744190799873 | https://discord.gg/DPrm28HbNe
822865755787362344 | https://discord.gg/egirlhot
1229063273186463815 | https://discord.gg/Z2CZbHYtPb
1266207390299328593 | https://discord.gg/badgirls
1254534472989147187 | https://discord.gg/cDgmyTDw


If you have information about a phishing server that is not listed here, please consider contributing by submitting a pull request or opening an issue with the relevant details. Make sure to include evidence or descriptions of the phishing activities to help with verification.


This list is provided for informational purposes only. The maintainers of this repository are not responsible for any harm or damages resulting from the use of the information provided. Always exercise caution and protect your personal information online.