VIM Emulator for VS Code

VIM Emulator Logo


The VIM Emulator is a simple extension for Visual Studio Code that brings VIM-like functionalities to your code editor. If you're a fan of VIM and want to leverage its powerful keyboard shortcuts and commands within VS Code, this extension is for you.


  • VIM Command Input: Access VIM commands through a dedicated input box.

To Open command-line press esc

Supported Commands:

- esc - enter command input mode
- :w - Save file
- :wq - Save file and quit
- :qa - Close all files
- :%y - Yank (copy) all lines
- h - Move cursor left
- j - Move cursor down
- k - Move cursor up
- H - Move cursor to the top of the screen
- M - Move cursor to middle of the screen
- L - Move cursor to the bottom of the screen
- w - Jump to word start
- W - Jump to word start (consider punctuation)
- e - Jump to the end of the word
- E - jump to the end of the word (consider punctuation)
- dd - Delete current line
- vaw - Select word visually
- u - undo
  • Open Command Palette: Quickly open the VS Code command palette with a VIM-style command.


  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Go to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X).
  3. Search for "VIM Emulator".
  4. Click "Install" to install the extension.
  5. Reload VS Code to activate the extension.

OR Download vim-emulator-0.0.1.vsix file from github and install extension from VSIX file in VS Code.


  • Open the command palette: Press Escape in the editor or use the dedicated command
  • Enter VIM commands in the provided input box.


M3108 Kozlenko Ivan Denisovich


This extension is licensed under the MIT License.

Issues and Contributions

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on GitHub. Contributions are welcome!

Enjoy your VIM experience in Visual Studio Code!