
roblox-ts typings for MadStudioRoblox's ReplicaService

Primary LanguageLuaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ReplicaService Typings

roblox-ts typings for ReplicaService made by MadStudio.

Table of Contents

TypeScript Example


import { Replica } from "@rbxts/replicaservice";
import PlayerDataReplicaWriteLib from "../Shared/WriteLibs/PlayerData";

declare global {
  interface Replicas {
    PlayerData: {
      Data: {
        Money: number;
      Tags: {};
      WriteLib: typeof PlayerDataReplicaWriteLib;

export type PlayerDataReplica = Replica<"PlayerData">;


import { PlayerDataReplica } from "../../Types/Replicas.d";

export = {
  ChangeMoney: (
    replica: PlayerDataReplica,
    method: "Add" | "Sub",
    value: number
  ) => {
    const FinalValue =
      method === "Add"
        ? replica.Data.Money + value
        : replica.Data.Money - value;
    if (FinalValue < 0) return replica.SetValue(["Money"], 0);
    replica.SetValue(["Money"], FinalValue);


import { ReplicaService } from "@rbxts/replicaservice";
import { Players, ReplicatedStorage } from "@rbxts/services";

const PlayerDataReplicaWriteLib: ModuleScript = ReplicatedStorage.WaitForChild(
).WaitForChild("PlayerData") as ModuleScript; // This varies depending on your "default.project.json" paths.

Players.PlayerAdded.Connect((player: Player) => {
  const PlayerDataReplica = ReplicaService.NewReplica({
    ClassToken: ReplicaService.NewClassToken("PlayerData"),
    Data: {
      Money: 500,
    Replication: player,
    WriteLib: PlayerDataReplicaWriteLib,

  while (task.wait(1)) {
    PlayerDataReplica.Write("ChangeMoney", "Add", 500);
    // This example uses WriteLib feature of ReplicaService, but if you don't want/don't need to use a WriteLib, then you can do: PlayerDataReplica.SetValue(["Money"], PlayerDataReplica.Data.Money + 500)


import { ReplicaController } from "@rbxts/replicaservice";

ReplicaController.ReplicaOfClassCreated("PlayerData", (replica) => {
    `PlayerData replica received! Received player money: ${replica.Data.Money}`

  replica.ListenToChange(["Money"], (newValue) => {
    print(`Money changed: ${newValue}`);

ReplicaController.RequestData(); // This function should only be called once in the entire codebase! Read the documentation for more information.


  • Make your Replica.Data simple and small without too many keys inside another keys.


  • Paths (StringPath and ArrayPath) can only access 21 keys of an object (this was added as a fix to the issue "Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite").

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. My editor features (autocomplete, others) are laggy, what can I do? Reopen your code editor (or if you're using Visual Studio Code, restart the TypeScript server), if it's still laggy, contact any of the collaborators in the roblox-ts server.
  2. I can't access a key in my object that is inside 35 keys! Read the limitations and recommendations.


Visit the following website to go to the official ReplicaService documentation: https://madstudioroblox.github.io/ReplicaService/


If you are having issues with typings, join roblox-ts Discord server and mention any of the collaborators (Mixu_78, or Sandy Stone) with your issue and we'll try to help the maximum we can.

If you are having issues with ReplicaService and not the typings, file an issue in the GitHub repository.