🎙🔒 ZK Microphone: Trusted audio in the age of deepfakes 🔒🎙 Generative AI is a threat to society. It enables disinformation, manipulation, and political subversion. We've built the world's first attested microphone and used ZK-SNARKs to protect authenticity and privacy.
- 0xdewyVancouver
- 0xmountaintopGallifrey
- 3forBeijing
- adunne09
- AlexCheemaUniversity of Oxford
- amanarora9848Yokohama, Japan
- amit0365NYU
- amlcodesNYC
- codingnirvanaChennai, India
- cyberpo9t
- daodesigner
- dawksh@coinvise
- Ekaanth
- emilianobonassiItaly
- EthSecurity1
- ex-scxr
- han0110Taiwan
- kakedashi3
- kurtpan666@ZKPunk-org
- longcpp
- lucapericlpLondon
- Maddiaa0@AztecProtocol
- makluganteng@ribbon-finance
- manuj-mishra
- marcellobardusitaly
- massun-onibakuchiEarth
- Miyamura80University of Oxford
- QuassoLead Blockchain Developer (Contract)
- radoslav11@deshaw
- ravjotsandhuThapar University
- rayaanoidPrime
- shubhank-saxena@walldotapp
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- SoraSuegamiThe University of Tokyo
- stephenbyrne99London, United Kingdom
- TomaszWaszczykReal Life Matrix