Welcome to Inventory System

Hi fellow developers. This project used for skill improvement.

To get started

Clone the repository


Copy the .env.example file and name it .env Change the value of DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD it should not be null or the DB_USERNAME not be root

In the terminal make sure you are in the inventory-system directory. Run this command

docker-compose up -d --build

This will build the container and start the container If you already build the container, you can just

docker-compose up -d

Once the container is running, to access the app container run this command

docker-compose exec app bash

This will attached the container to the terminal. Then install the dependencies

composer install

Once installed you can now used the php artisan command.

Now install the dependency in front end

npm install

Once the installation is done, now build the assets

npm run build

This will compile the assets so that it will reflect on front end

Stopping the container

To stop the container, simple run this command

docker-compose down

Make sure you are not in the container shell, to exit in the container shell
