
#3 Project in Computer Graphics@Budapest-AIT. Focussed on coding fragment shader in WebGL to realize realtime raytracing.

Primary LanguageCSS


Quadrics RayTracing Homework for CG Course


This is an exercise for quadrics geometry, procedural texture mapping, ray casting, ray tracing and experimenting with various materials such as plastic (phuong-blinn), metal (reflection + fresnel effect), glass (refraction). The gameplay and animations are secondary to the assignment (although still rather fun to play with).

List of Features Completed:

  1. Chessboard: Completed, with multiple clippers (three infinite slabs) intersecting each other to make a box. The outer texture is rendered wooden with procedural noise function. The main board has checkered patterns, with diffuse shading and 20% reflection to give off the glass material feel.

  2. Pawns: Completed with cone and sphere. Note: Actual number of pawns are reduced to 4 so as to improve graphics performance.

  3. Bishops: Completed with a see-through hole in them, with the hole's inner wall also modeled and visible.

  4. Kings: Built from clipped quadrics, including a paraboloid for the crown. Material for the king is gold with fresnel effect implemented.

  5. Queens: Built from clipped quadrics, including a hyperboloid for the gown. Lace-like pattern is computed in shader to discard ray hits. The body of the Queen piece thus can be seen through with a helix shaped cut.

  6. Rooks: Built using quadrics clipped by multiple (two per quadric) clippers.

  7. Sun: Implemented a directional light source that contributes to the illumination of all objects with non-ideal BRDFs. Objects do cast shadows on one another.

  8. Gloria: The King pieces do have (omnidirectional, isotropic) point lights over them. It's a little obscure at first, but you can move the piece using UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT arrow keys to see the point light better. Appropriate shadows are cast.

  9. Silver: The top/crown part of the Queen pieces are rendered as silver, with pure 100% reflection on all wavelengths.

  10. Gold: The entire King pieces are rendered as gold, with proper fresnel effect implemented.

  11. Ebony and Ivory (requires Sun or Gloria): The pawns and rooks are all made of plastic, with diffuse + Phuong Blinn shading (different exponents).

  12. Wood (requires Chessboard): The outer part of the chessboard is made of wood, with procedural texture mapping and proper diffuse shading.

  13. Normal mapping (requires 'Ebony and Ivory' or 'Silver' or 'Gold'): All the pawns have Normal Mapping with the provided noise function. They all have wavy/bumpy surfaces due to the procedural noise function that disturbs the normals.

  14. Environment: Completed. Rays that do not hit any object take their radiance from an environment map texture. A semi-spherical sky mapping is implemented (singularity can be seen from the backward direction).

  15. Animations: #1. The King piece from the Blue team can be moved around on the chessboard with UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT arrow keys; With SPACE key, the King piece flies up in the sky. #2. The Bishops are animated too, with F going left-forward; G going right-forward; C going left-backward; B going right-backward.

  16. Stretch Goals: #1. Glass refraction texture is also implemented. Please see the body of the Bishops as a reference. #2. The Glass parts of the Bishops DO NOT cast any shadow (non-shadow caster).