
🐍GUI Keyhunt🐍PyQt6 GUI display for running albertobsd/keyhunt

Primary LanguagePython

KeyHunt GUI Version 1.1

Screenshot 2024-06-22 221803

This is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the KeyHunt program , developed by albertobsd/keyhunt (https://github.com/albertobsd/keyhunt).

KeyHunt is a tool used to hunt private keys for cryptocurrencies that use the secp256k1 elliptic curve.


EASY EXE RUN Get IT FROM from https://mizogg.co.uk/keyhunt/


Python 3.11 or 3.12 https://www.python.org/downloads/


How to Run

python main.py 



Scans for private keys using different modes (address, bsgs). Supports CPU parallelization with adjustable thread count. Allows customization of search parameters such as key space, move mode, look, stride, and K value. Provides an option to enable endomorphism search (only for address, rmd160, and vanity modes). Enables vanity address search with a specified prefix. Matrix screen option for a hacker-style experience (may affect performance).

Configure the desired search parameters and click the "Start scanning" button to initiate the keyhunt process.

The program will display the output in the console window.

Use the provided options to customize the search and control the scanning process.


Contributions to the KeyHunt GUI are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This program is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


This GUI is based on the KeyHunt program developed by Alberto albertobsd. For more information about Keyhunt albertobsd@gmail.com & https://albertobsd.dev/ . For more information about the GUI KeyHunt tool, visit github.com/Mizogg or mizogg.co.uk

Help ME.

Just by visiting my site https://mizogg.co.uk keep up those clicks

Or if you get lucky donations welcome