
Let's create a working collaborative code in here to practice git.

Who is working on What?

Mohamed Aghzal is working on the following:

  • The camera feedback

Farouk is working on:

  • Another version of the multiple feeds code.
  • The panels

Salma is working on:

  • Command window
  • Reguraly updated value window


This file is created by Mohamed Aghzal. It does the following:

  • Displays multiple feeds
  • We can switch between the two feeds
  • Display timer ![Alt text]

MultipleFeeds 2.0 intial simple code

By Farouk:

  • using bindings I display the camera feed on demand

MultipleFeeds 2.0 (still working on it)

By Farouk:

  • I use a method that is responsible only for creating two labels one above the other with different size.
  • As arguments to this method I pass which feed to be displayed as main and which one as sub.
  • I will try to do it with bindings.
  • as a base for the two feeds I will use Aghzal's code.


Alt text

Things To do:

  • Add panels
  • Change windows' code using tkinter

Main Panel