
The smallest flask web app, composed with a redis container using Docker. Try creating the files yourself and building and running containers via compose, to see how it works.

Primary LanguagePython

Getting started with docker-compose, using python/flask & redis

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. You use a Compose file to configure your application’s services. Then using a single command, you create and start all the services.

In this repo, there is a basic python flask web app in app.py, a Dockerfile for the specs of the container for that app (which is based off a python image), a requirements file for Docker installation additional requirements for the app (flask, redis), and a docker-compose file for the specification of the composed containers which includes the flask and redis containers. I created this in conjunction with reading this docker-compose tutorial, so you can use it to get more information on what these files do, https://docs.docker.com/compose/gettingstarted/

To get the app running in one container with redis in another, try these steps:

  1. Create the files locally. See if you can tell what each one does. Check the above link to learn more.

  2. Run `docker-compose build' to build the containers specified in the docker-compose file.

  3. Run docker-compose up to start the containers (add -d to run them in the background. Then run docker-compose stop when done.)

  4. Browse to http://localhost:5000 to see the response from the web app.