
Primary LanguageCSS


Build Status devDependency Status Gitter


A crisp WordPress theme built using Bootstrap styling, Font Awesome icons, and all the power of WordPress. This is an eternal WIP: Here there be dragons.

Features (excluding external resources, see below)

  • Responsive layout
  • Off-canvas sidebar on handheld devices and small screens
  • WordPress customizer options:
    • Add site logo
    • Add favicon
    • Select fonts (via Google Fonts)
    • Choose colors
    • And more!
  • Editor style for a more WYSIWYG post-editing experience
  • Fully HTML5 compatible
  • Compatible up to WordPress 4.4.2
  • Customization ready via child themes and/or hooks (see below for available hooks)
  • Microdata and microformats - Enhancements for richer posts
  • Translation ready

Plugin support



There have been no direct third-party contributions to Pacific. It's parent theme, Flat, received many contributions; Pacific, of course, benefits from them, and you are encouraged to appreciate the contributors highlighted at Flat's project page.

Theme development

Pacific uses Grunt for compiling LESS to CSS, checking for JS errors, live reloading, concatenating and minifying files.

Add the following to your wp-config.php on your development installation:

define('WP_ENV', 'development');

Install Grunt

Unfamiliar with npm? Don't have node installed? Download and install node.js before proceeding.

From the command line:

  1. Install grunt-cli globally with npm install -g grunt-cli.
  2. Navigate to the theme directory, then run npm install. npm will look at package.json and automatically install the necessary dependencies. It will also automatically run bower install, which installs front-end packages defined in bower.json.

When completed, you'll be able to run the various Grunt commands provided from the command line.

Available Grunt commands

  • grunt dev — Compile LESS to CSS, concatenate and validate JS
  • grunt watch — Compile assets when file changes are made
  • grunt build — Create minified assets, then export theme package


Pacific is able to be customized extensively by the WordPress hooks and filters API, which is a fancy way of saying that without creating a child theme, you have the freedom to add, remove, and change a lot of what makes Pacific what it is. In addition to the default hooks and filters that just about any WordPress theme has available, Pacific is equipped with the following:

Available hooks

  • pacific_html_before
  • pacific_head_top
  • pacific_head_bottom
  • pacific_body_top
  • pacific_body_bottom
  • pacific_header_before
  • pacific_header_after
  • pacific_header_top
  • pacific_header_bottom
  • pacific_content_before
  • pacific_content_after
  • pacific_content_top
  • pacific_content_bottom
  • pacific_entry_before
  • pacific_entry_after
  • pacific_entry_top
  • pacific_entry_bottom
  • pacific_page_before
  • pacific_page_after
  • pacific_page_top
  • pacific_page_bottom
  • pacific_index_before
  • pacific_index_after
  • pacific_index_top
  • pacific_index_bottom
  • pacific_archive_before
  • pacific_archive_after
  • pacific_archive_top
  • pacific_archive_bottom
  • pacific_search_before
  • pacific_search_after
  • pacific_search_top
  • pacific_search_bottom
  • pacific_comments_before
  • pacific_comments_after
  • pacific_comments_top
  • pacific_comments_bottom
  • pacific_comment_before
  • pacific_comment_after
  • pacific_comment_author
  • pacific_comment_metadata
  • pacific_sidebar_before
  • pacific_sidebar_after
  • pacific_sidebar_top
  • pacific_sidebar_bottom
  • pacific_404_content
  • pacific_footer_before
  • pacific_footer_after
  • pacific_footer_top
  • pacific_footer_bottom
  • BONUS! All Theme Hook Alliance hooks are included!

Available filters

  • pacific_404_title — (string) The title of the 404 error page
  • pacific_comment_form_parameters — (array) Parameters passed to comment_form() for customizing the comment form
  • pacific_list_comments_parameters — (array) Parameters passed to wp_list_comments() for customizing comments display
  • pacific_moderation_notice – (string) Message given to users when their comment is held for moderation
  • pacific_show_footer — (boolean) Whether to show the footer block or not